This app uses the following:
to call the Web API & Web Playback SDKdanceability
of the currently playing track.If everything is set up properly, you should hear some music!
Developers: Want to play about with the Web Playback SDK? Press ⌘ + I to open Developer Tools and run:
> app.player // Our instance of the Web Playback SDK
> app.transferPlayback() // Transfer playback to our player
>{ trackUri: 'spotify:track:1y7agAufBsudgRXuq6Ekqb' }) // Start playing a Spotify track
>{ trackUri: 'spotify:track:1y7agAufBsudgRXuq6Ekqb', positionMs: 60 * 1000 }) // Or, start playing from 60 seconds
> app.player.setName('My Player Name') // Update player name
> app.player.getCurrentState().then(({ track_window }) => console.log( // Get current track name